Do You Even Carry
We all want killer strength gains!
Heavy carries could be the one thing you’re missing to maximize your performance.
Here’s 5 reasons why.
Postural Strength & Bracing
This is so important for lifting, athletic development and even handstands. A weak core leads to energy leakages which decreases performance.
Grip Strength
“You’re only as strong as your weakest link”
For many of us, our grip strength is what holds us back, especially during deadlifts. Heavy Farmer’s Carries will quickly give your a Chuck-Norris like death grip!
Scapular Strength
“Strength comes from stability”
The Scapular gives stability to the upper body and trunk. Think lats, serratus anterior, traps and the magical rotator cuff. No matter how strong your legs or arms arm, if these puppies aren’t stable you’ wont be impressing anyone with killer strength gains.
“No one likes a 1 pump chump”
30-90 second carries build strength and conditioning. This will ensure your strength gains will translate over repeat efforts.
Diaphragmatic breathing is essential for maintaining a strong brace when lifting. Without it your trunk will be as strong as a soggy noodle and your back will be screaming out for a Nurofen!
Coach James